2Ninja or in short 2N is a company that specializes in building training and experience complexes in the field of ninja, parkour and climbing.
Our company has rich experience in building large and small complexes and to this day we have established over 200 different complexes that are intended for a diverse target audience – from the construction of the official parks of Ninja Israel, the largest and most professional training complexes in Israel & attraction ninja, rope parks and fun climbing walls.
Our home ninja facilities such as: “2Ninja cube” have been chosen to be the offical facilities of “NINJA ISREAL” for backyards.
Our Cubes, monkey bars, and ninja obstacles have great success all over the world.
All products are designed, manufactured, and installed with a lot of thought in mind on the issue of safety and user experience while trying to create a challenging and positive experience for each participant who takes part in activities, training, play, one-time experience, classes or competitions.